Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl

Maybe The Point and the Mechanical Book Review
(Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl)

Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl (2013, David Barnett) is a steampunk fantasy novel set in an alternate Victorian era, covering an intercontinental adventure to uncover the reason behind mysterious monster attacks plaguing England. It has its flaws, but it’s a solid page-turner that you can easily envisage as a big budget blockbuster. I’m also a sucker for airships, which helps a lot. There’s light spoilers incoming, so beware!

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So what’s the point?

Welcome to Maybe The Point, and in particular, welcome to the first post. This blog aims to chronicle my journey through the endless sea of novels and stories that I subject myself to daily. That’s right: It’s another review blog. But this blog has a catchy name, so beat that!

So what are you waiting for? Read the other posts, and let’s have fun!

– Matthew